Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sneak Preview of Upcoming Baby Shower!

Here's a upcoming project we're working on. The DIY details (including invitations pictured above & favors pictured below) are coming together and just wanted to share! We even took the couple's maternity pictures a couple weeks ago. Here's a BBE tip: ask a friend who likes taking photos and with a nice SLR to spend an afternoon taking DIY baby bump photos. *HUGE money savings!!!*

Stay tuned for the actual event coming soon!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy 2011!

It's definitely been a while since updating this blog. Been tremendously busy over the holidays entertaining friends and family. Finally, a moment to slow down and share some pictures with from Thanksgiving (yes, that was in NOVEMBER!) and Christmas.

Every year for Christmas, we try to pick a color theme - this year it was red and aqua! Our guests are asked to dress in these holiday colors when they come to our party and share the spirit of Christmas. We had tons of food and games! Good times. Perfect way to end 2010 and welcome 2011!